Technical Paper Library

Year Title Presented At Author(s) Type Download
1993 “The Development of a Thermo-Oxidation Engine Oil Simulation Test (TEOST)” Written by D.W. Florkowski, Chrysler Corporation and T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc. -- SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 18-21, 1993; SAE Paper #932837 D.W. Florkowski, Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
2010 "Turbocharger Deposits and Engine Deposits - A Duality: II - Bench Test Studies of Engine Piston Deposits" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen Tribology, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 20, 2010 Theodore Selby Paper
2010 "Turbocharger Deposits and Engine Deposits - A Duality: Correlative Bench Test Studies of Turbocharger Deposits" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 20, 2010 Theodore Selby Paper
2009 "Using The TEOST® MHT-4 To Identify Robust Antioxidant Systems For Modern Engine Oils" Written by Vincent J. Gatto, Albemarle Corporation Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Jenny Liu, Jinhai Albemarle, Shanghai, China -- Dalian Lubricant Technique & Economy Forum, Dalian, China, September 24-25, 2009 Vincent J. Gatto, Jenny Liu Paper
2004 "The Oxidation Stability of Gear Oils in Modern Differentials; A More Hostile Environment" Written by C.A. Engle, D.W. Florkowski, DaimlerChrysler, T.W. Selby, Savant inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January, 2004. C.A. Engel, D.W. Florkowski, Theodore Selby Paper
2000 “The Development of the TEOST Protocol MHT Bench Test of Engine Oil Piston Deposit Tendency” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- 12th International Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 11-13, 2000. Theodore Selby Paper
2005 "Utilizing The TEOST MHT To Evaluate Fundamental Oxidation Processes In Low Phosphorus Engine Oils" Written by William E. Moehle (Member STLE), Tyler W. Cobb, Emily R. Schneller and Vincent J. Gatto (Member, STLE), Albemarle Corporation, Baton Rouge, Louisiana -- STLE 60th Annual Meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada, May 15-19, 2005. William E. Moehle Tyler W. Cobb, Emily R. Schneller, Vincent J. Gatto Paper
1996 “Engine Oil Deposits and the TEOST — Protocol 33 and Beyond” Written by T.W. Selby and Jennifer Richardson, Savant, Inc., and Dennis Florkowski, Chrysler Corp. -- SAE International Fall Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, San Antonio, Texas, October, 14-17, 1996; SAE Paper #962039 Theodore Selby, Jennifer Richardson, Dennis Florkowski Paper; SAE Publication
2006 "The Oxidation Stability of Gear Oils in Modern Differentials; A More Hostile Environment: Part Two - Protocol and Precision of the VDOT Gear Oil Test" Written by T.W. Selby, A. Ferruzzi, Savant Inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January, 2006 Theodore Selby, A. Ferruzzi Paper
2002 The Viscosity-Dependent Fuel Efficiency Index for Engine Oils Written by T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc., USA - 13th International Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 15-17, 2002. Theodore Selby Paper
2015 "How to Determine Engine Oil Quality" Written by Tina Dasbach, Ph.D., T.W. Selby, Institute of Materials -- Machinery Lubrication, November/ December 2015 issue; Tina Dasbach, Ph.D., Theodore Selby Presentation; Machinery Lubrication Article
2005 "Studies of the Oxidation Dynamics of Turbine Oils - Initial Data from a New Form of the Rotating Pressure Vessel Oxidation Test" Written by T.W. Selby, S.W. Froelicher, Savant Inc., and James Secrist, Tannas Co. -- ASTM Symposium on Oxidation and Testing of Turbine Oils, Norfolk, Virginia, December 5-8, 2005; Paper ID: JAI 100775 Theodore Selby, S. W. Froelicher, James Secrist Paper; ASTM JAI Publication
2002 "Development and Significance of the Phosphorus Emission Index of Engine Oils" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- 13th International Colloquium Tribology - Lubricants, Materials, and Lubrication, TAE, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 15,17, 2002 Theodore Selby Paper
2004 "Sulfur Emissions from Engine Oil - Information from the Sulfur Emission Index" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January, 2004. Theodore Selby Paper
2014 "Global Monitoring and Examination of Engine Oil Properties - Harnessing the Power of Bench Test Data" Written by T.W. Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Ph.D., Gordon A. Cox, Savant Group, Tina P. Dasbach, Ph.D., Institute of Materials -- UNITI Mineral Oil Technology Congress, Stuttgart, Germany, April 2nd 2014. -- UNITI Mineralol Technik article, June 2014 Theodore Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Ph.D., Gordon A. Cox, Tina P. Dasbach, Ph.D. Presentation; UNITI Publication
2015 "Trends in Automotive Lubricants - Engine Oil Quality and the Need for Its Assurance" Written by Tina Dasbach, Ph.D., Institute of Materials, T.W Selby, Savant Inc. -- Noria Reliable Plant Conference and Exhibition, Cleveland, Ohio, June 2015 Tina Dasbach, Ph.D., Theodore Selby Paper
1999 "Investigation on the Role of Gasketing Materials In Foaming of Lubricating Oils" Written by Alan L. Freiberg, Dow Corning Corporation, T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc. -- SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, Toronto, Canada, October 25028, 1999; SAE Paper 1999-01-3619. Alan L. Freiberg, Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
1992 A Method of Generating and Appraising the Five Viscosity Loss Parameters of Lubricating Oil – The Viscosity Loss Trapezoid Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. – Rohm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany, January 20, 1992 – Elf France, Lyons, France, January 22, 1992 – TOTAL-Technique in Le Havre, France, January 24, 1992 – Chevron Chemical Company, Rotterdam, Netherlands, January 27, 1992 – 8th International Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 14-16, 1992 – Savant Conference – Ninth International Conference on the Viscometry of Automotive Lubricants, October 13-14,1993 Theodore Selby Paper
1998 "Analysis of Engine Oil and Phosphorus Volatility - Development and Use of the Selby-Noack Apparatus to Recover and Study Phosphorus Volatiles" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- 11th International Colloquium Tribology Technische Akademie Esslingen Stuttgart/Ostifildern, Germany, January 13-15, 1998 - Published in Tribotest Journal 6-4, June, 2000. Theodore Selby Paper; Tribotest Journal Publication
1993 "A New Approach to the Noack Volatility Test" Written by T.W. Selby, Ellie A. Reichenbach, Richard Hall, Savant Inc. -- Ninth International Savant Conference on the Characterization of Lubricants and Lubrication, Dearborn, MI., October 13-14, 1993 -- SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, PA., October 18-21, 1993. Theodore Selby, Ellie A. Reichenbach, Richard H. Hall Paper
2010 "High Shear Rate Rheology of Lower Viscosity Engine Oils a Temperature Range of 80° to 150°C Using the Tapered Bearing Simulator (TBS) Viscometer" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- SAE international Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants; SAE 2010-01-2288 Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
1992 “Problems in Bench Test Prediction of Engine Oil Performance at Low Temperature” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, California, October 19-22, 1992; SAE Paper #922287,  Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
2014 "A Global Perspective of Engine Oil Properties" Written by T.W. Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Gordon A. Cox, Savant Group, Tina P. Dasbach, Institute of Materials -- 19th International Colloquium Tribology - Lubricants, materials and Lubrication, Technische Akademie Esslingen, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 21-23, 2014. Theodore Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Gordon A. Cox, Tina P. Dasbach, Ph.D. Paper
1997 “Applying the Low-Temperature Scanning Brookfield Technique to Analysis of Lubricants, Transmission Fluids, and Fuels” Written by Gregory C. Miiller, Tannas Co. and T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- Gulf Coast Conference, Galveston Island, Texas, October 1997 Gregory C. Miiller, Theodore Selby Paper
1983 “The Tapered Bearing Simulator – An Absolute Viscometer” Written by T.W. Selby and D.A. Piasecki, Savant Inc. -- SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 28-March 4, 1983; SAE Paper #830031 Theodore Selby, D.A. Piasecki Paper; SAE Publication
2004 "Analysis of the Volatiles Generated During the Selby-Noack Test by 31P NMR Spectroscopy" Written by R. J Bosch, D.C. Fee, Astaris LLC, and T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. R.J. Bosch, D.C. Fee, and Theodore Selby Paper; ASTM JAI Journal Publication
1993 “The Viscosity Loss Trapezoid – Application of the Viscosity Loss Trapezoid in Determining Overall Features of VI Improver Molecular Weight Distribution” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- Savant Conference, Ninth International Conference of the Viscometry of Automotive Lubricants, October 13-14, 1993. Theodore Selby Paper
2007 "Continued Studies of the Causes of Engine Oil Phosphorus Volatility - Part 2" Written by Richard J. Bosch and Darrell C. Fee, Astaris LLC, T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- SAE International 2007 World Congress, Detroit, MI., April 16-19, 2007; SAE 2007-01-1073, (SP-2090). Theodore Selby, Richard J. Bosch, Darrell C. Fee Paper; SAE Publication
2003 "Phosphorus Volatility of Lubricants - - Use of the Phosphorus Emission Index of Engine Oil" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- 9th F&L Asia Conference, January 21-24, 2003 Singapore. Theodore Selby Paper
2002 "Viscometry of New and Used Engine Oils at Engine Shear Rates - Application of the Automatic TBS Viscometer" Written by T.W. Selby; Robert J. Hite, Jr.; Greg C. Miiller, Tannas Co. -- SAE International Powertrain Fuels and Lubricants Congress - 2002; SAE 2002-01-2799. Theodore Selby, Robert J. Hite Jr., Greg C. Miiller Paper; SAE Publication
1996 "The World of Engine Oils - Comparison of Physical and Chemical Properties of 4000 Oils Collected From the Market" Written by Rebecca S. Cox, Institute of Materials, T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- 10th International Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 9, 1996 Rebecca S. Cox, Theodore Selby Paper
1991 “The Use of the Scanning Brookfield Technique to Study the Critical Degree of Gelation of Lubricants at Low Temperatures” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- SAE International Congress and Exposition, Detroit, Michigan, February 28, 1991; SAE Paper #910746, Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
2000 "Analysis of Engine Oil and Phosphorus Volatility" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. -- Tribotest Journal 6-4, June, 2000. Theodore Selby Tribotest Journal Publication
1999 "A New Approach to the Determination of Extracted Pro-foamants from Elastomeric Sealants" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc., Alan L. Freiberg, Dow Corning Corporation Theodore Selby, Alan L. Freiberg Paper
1990 “Very High Shear Rate, High Temperature Viscosity Using the Automated Tapered Bearing Simulator-Viscometer” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc., T.J. Tolton, Dow Corning Corp. -- 7th International Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Automotive Lubrication, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany, January 16-18, 1990. -- Published in the Handbook of Tribology and Lubrication Vol. 6, entitled “Engine Oils and Automotive Lubrication”, pp 470-490. Theodore Selby, T.J. Tolton Paper; Publication
2005 "Phosphorus Additive Chemistry and Its Effects on the Phosphorus Volatility of Engine Oils" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc., R.J. Bosch, and D. C. Fee, Astaris LLC -- Journal of ASTM International, October 2005, Vol. 2, No. 9 Paper ID JAI 12977. Theodore Selby, R. J. Bosch, D.C. Fee Paper; ASTM JAI Journal Publication
1995 "Very High Shear Rate Viscometry" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc., and Greg C. Miiller, Tannas Co. -- Proceeding of the International Tribology Conference, Yokohama, Japan, October 31, 1995 Theodore Selby, Greg C. Miiller Paper
2007 "Low-Temperature Performance of Chinese Automotive Engine Oils - Status and Perspectives" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Group; Christian Neveu, Degussa, RohMax France; Alex Tsay, Degussa China, RohMax Oil Additives, Shanghai, China -- Annual Lubricant Conference 2007, Lubricant Information Center, Ningbo, China, September 18-19, 2007. Theodore Selby, Christian Neveu, Alex Tsay Paper
1993 “The Viscosity Loss Trapezoid – Part 2: Determining General Features of VI Improver Molecular Weight Distribution Using Parameters of the Viscosity Loss Trapezoid” Written by T.W. Selby, Savant Inc. – SAE International Fuels & Lubricants Meeting and Exposition, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 18-21, 1993; SAE Paper #932836 Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
2008 "The Expanding Dimensions of High Shear Rate Viscometry" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc. -- SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress, Shanghai, China, June 23-25, 2008; SAE 2008-01-1621. Theodore Selby Paper; SAE Publication
2015 "An Advanced Technique for Grease Oxidation Measurement" Written by Samina Azad, Savant Inc., Jonathan C. Evans, Savant Group -- NLGI Spokeman, January/February 2015. Samina Azad, Jonathan C. Evans NLGI Publication
2014 "A Comparative Study of Grease Oxidation using an Advanced Bench Test Technique" Written by T.W. Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Samina Azad, William VanBergen, Savant Inc. -- Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE) Tribology Colloquium, Stuttgart/Ostfildern, Germany. January 21-23 2014. Theodore Selby, Jonathan C. Evans, Samina Azad, William VanBergen Paper
2008 "Instrumental Approach and Improvement of the Low-Temperature Determination of ATF Fluidity" Written by T.W. Selby, Savant, Inc. -- 63rd Annual STLE Meeting & Exhibition, Cleveland, Ohio, May 18-23, 2008. Theodore Selby Paper